What You Leave Behind - Part I
Numero di produzione: | 575 |
Sequenza di trasmissione: | 175 |
Week Of della prima trasmissione USA: | 29.05.1999 |
Prima TV su (Canal) Jimmy: | 14.10.2002 |
VHS britannica dell'episodio: | 7.13 (PG) |
Storia: | |
Regia: | Allan Kroeker |
Musica: | Dennis McCarthy |
Titolo italiano: | Quel che si lascia - Prima parte |
Titolo tedesco: | Was man zurückläßt |
Titolo brasiliano: | O Que Se Deixa para Trás, Parte I |
Data delle versioni dello script: | 26.03.1999 |
Personaggi e interpreti
Personaggi e interpreti
- Elim Garak: Andrew J. Robinson
- Kasidy Yates: Penny Johnson
- Weyoun: Jeffrey Combs
- Dukat: Marc Alaimo
- Damar: Casey Biggs
- Amm. William J. Ross: Barry Jenner
- Sarah Sisko: Deborah Lacey
- Gen. Martok: John Garman Hertzler
- Guardiamarina Nog: Aron Eisenberg
- Kai Winn Adami: Louise Fletcher
- Vic Fontaine: James Darren
- Keiko Ishikawa: Rosalind Chao
- Molly O'Brien: Hana Hatae
- Ekoor: Greg Ellis
- Ginger: Cyndi Pass
- Broca: Mel Johnson, Jr.
- Mila: Julianna McCarthy
- Pran: Max Omega
- Leader dei Fondatori: Salome Jens
- Jem'Hadar: Kevin Scott Allen
- Jem'Hadar: Christopher Halsted
- Voce del computer cardassiano: Judi Durand
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The Dogs of War | What You Leave Behind - Part II |
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What You Leave Behind - Part I è un Episodio di Deep Space Nine.
Data Stellare Sconosciuta: La Defiant, comandata da Sisko, si unisce alla flotta della Federazione, dei Klingon e dei Romulani che si prepara ad invadere Cardassia, su cui Kira, Damar e Garak stanno mettendo a punto i piani per sabotare un impianto energetico e di comunicazioni del Dominio.
Nel frattempo, su Bajor, Kai Winn chiede a Dukat di unirsi a lei mentre libera i Pah-wraiths dalle Caverne di Fuoco.
In questo episodio...
- Il numero di produzione dell'episodio intero è 749.
- Quando Weyoun annuncia a tutta Cardassia la rappresaglia del Dominio per gli atti di sabotaggio alle sue spalle si vede il simbolo del Dominio ribaltato specularmente in senso verticale.
- In una parete dell'alloggio di Mila si vede un ornamento pentagonale del tutto simile a quello che si vede nell'alloggio di T'Pol in molti episodi di Enterprise. [T:28:11]
- Nomination all'Emmy 1999 nella categoria «Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Series» (visual effects producer/supervisor Dan Curry, visual effects supervisors Gary Hutzel, David Stipes, visual effects coordinators Adam Buckner, Arthur J. Codron, Judy Elkins, special effects supervisor Gary Monak, visual effects cameraman Paul Maples, visual effects compositors Steve Fong, Don Greenberg, Paul Hill, Davy T. Nethercutt, visual effects animators Kevin P. Bouchez, Greg Rainoff, CGI supervisors Rob Bonchune, David Lombardi).
Ezri: Julian?
Bashir: Yes?
Ezri: We have to get up.
Bashir: Are you sure?
Ezri: It's a big day.
Bashir: It was a big night. Cleared up a lot of unanswered questions.
Ezri: Such as?
Bashir: Such as just how far these spots really go down.
Bashir: You know, I've never been into battle with someone I've slept with before. [T:00:56]
Jake Sisko: How's Kas?
Yates: Cough! Hgm! Reports of my death have been exaggerated... but not by much! [T:03:22]
Sisko: All right people... what do you say we end this war?
O'Brien: Sounds good to me. [T:04:25]
Mila: Oh, when you were a small boy, I was worried about you: always getting into trouble, so secretive, so full of deceit! Who would have thought those disgraceful characteristics would be turned to virtues? More tea?
Garak: You're too kind. [T:10:19]
Worf: I am happy for you.
Ezri: That's a relief.
Worf: But... I am going to kill him.
Ezri: You're kidding, right?
Worf: And Jadzia said I did not have a sense of humor... [T:11:47]
Dukat: Oh, he'll survive. But I promise you... he'll wish he hadn't. [T:15:59]
Quark: They think they have it rough? They should try living my life for a day. The hospitality industry isn't for the faint-hearted. [T:17:17]
Quark: They think it's one big, happy party, they forget that the person giving the party never has any fun: he's too busy making sure everyone else is having fun. [T:17:31]
Winn: That privilege is no longer yours. [T:19:43]
Mila: What you're proposing is suicide!
Garak: If you have nothing positive to say, Mila...
Mila: All right, I'll prepare some food. Nobody should die on an empty stomach! [T:25:15]
Mila: Politicians! [T:27:51]
O'Brien: Somebody has to teach you officers the difference between a warp matrix flux capacitor and a... self-sssealing stem bolt! [T:29:48]
Weyoun: Shall I have them brought here?
Leader dei Fondatori: What for? Have them executed. Immediately. [T:30:55]
Jem'Hadar: On your feet!
Kira: Why?
Jem'Hadar: We prefer our prisoners to be standing when they die.
Garak: Does... anyone have any... last words?
Damar: You may kill us, but Cardassia will never...
Jem'Hadar: Enough! Final words are not permitted!
Garak: How disappointing! [T:31:17]
Leader dei Fondatori: I want the Cardassians exterminated.
Weyoun: Which ones?
Leader dei Fondatori: All of them. The entire population.
Weyoun: That... will... take some time. [T:34:44]
Martok: My friends... songs will be sung about this day! [T:36:05]
Garak: I have an even better reason, Commander: revenge!
Kira: That works, too. [T:38:37]
Sisko: How are you holding up, old man?
Ezri: All things considered... think I'd rather be on Risa.
Sisko: Well... that makes two of us. [T:40:25]
Garak: We have a problem.
Kira: Just one? [T:41:23]
Weyoun: You two, get out there and see that no one gets through that door! You... stay here. In case they fail. [T:45:45]
Scene tagliate
- A [T:02:35] mancano alcune battute presenti nello script. Le parti in
grigio sono quelle viste nell'episodio:
O'BRIEN <span style="color:#C0C0C0;">I'll tell him. (a beat) When I think he's ready to hear it.</span> (to Kirayoshi) I love you. Be a good boy, now. (to Molly) And you listen to Mommy while I'm gone. MOLLY I always listen to Mommy. He kisses Molly and Kirayoshi, then hugs and kisses Keiko. KEIKO Just you be careful. O'BRIEN I always am. They hold each other extra tight.
- Quando Sisko chiede a Kasidy «You're sure I can't get you anything?» a [T:03:54] lei risponde «Just hurry up and come back home» ma nello script la scena prevista era la seguente:
In response, Kasidy gets to her feet and again bolts for the bathroom. SISKO I think she's sure... JAKE Times like this... I'm glad I'm a man. And with that, they EXIT into the corridor --
- Prima del colloquio tra Odo e Worf a [T:04:05], nello script è presente la seguente scena ambientata al bar di Quark:
8 INT. QUARK'S CLOSE ON QUARK as he places a drink in front of WORF. It's still very early and MORN is the only other customer. QUARK You're up early today. WORF I'm always up early. QUARK But this is a special day, isn't it? WORF I don't know what you mean. QUARK (leaning over, confidentially) It's a good day to die. WORF Every day is a good day to die. QUARK But some days are better than others. Like today, for instance. The day the Federation- Klingon-Romulan Alliance launches its invasion of Cardassia. The final push in the long struggle to rid the Alpha Quadrant of the Dominion and save my bar in the process. WORF (calmly) Who told you that? QUARK (re: Morn) He did. Worf looks over to Morn who stares back at him blankly. WORF Morn? And how does he know? QUARK (joking) He's friends with Admiral Ross. Or maybe Sisko told him while they were having dinner. I don't know how he knows. He just knows. Worf takes a final sip of his drink giving away nothing. WORF I have to go. Worf gets up from his stool and EXITS. We hold on a triumphant Quark watching him leave. QUARK Good guess, Morn. Today's the day...
- Al termine della comunicazione di Weyoun ai Cardassiani che termina a [T:25:30], nello script è prevista una scena non presente nell'episodio:
46A INT. ANOTHER SECTION OF FIRE CAVES CLOSE ON Dukat wincing with pain as Kai Winn tries to remove an insect stinger from his neck. WINN (annoyed) Be still. DUKAT I am being still. What's taking so long? WINN The stinger is embedded in your skin. DUKAT (temper flaring) I know that. Dukat winces again. WINN Does it hurt? DUKAT Of course it hurts. Have you ever been stung by a cave-wasp? WINN Not that I recall. I warned you not to slap at it. DUKAT It was annoying me. Squeezing a little harder, Winn manages to pinch the stinger with her nails and yank it out. Dukat GRUNTS with pain. WINN There. Is that better? DUKAT Not really. This Bajoran skin is so... delicate. WINN Then perhaps you should've stayed a Cardassian. DUKAT Nothing would've made me happier. But I needed to win your trust. Dukat reaches out and takes Winn's hand. DUKAT And you have to trust me. Only together can we free the Pah- wraiths. Winn doesn't pull her hand away. DUKAT You still care about me, don't you? (a beat) Don't you? Now Winn does pull her hand away. WINN All I care about is freeing the Pah-wraiths. DUKAT That's not true and you know it. WINN You may look like a Bajoran, but your ego is unmistakably Cardassian. DUKAT I'll take that as a compliment. WINN Of course you will. (a beat) Now do us both a favor... next time you see a cave-wasp, leave it alone. And with that, Winn turns her back to Dukat and continues her trek through the cavern. DUKAT I'll try to remember that.
- Prima che Sisko si addentri nelle Caverne di Fuoco su Bajor, nello script è prevista la seguente scena, non presente nell'episodio:
186 INT. BAJORAN FIRE CAVES (FORMERLY 184) Sisko makes his way cautiously through the smoky caverns, illuminating his way with the palm beacon attached to his phaser rifle. 187 ON SISKO (FORMERLY 185) as he enters another cavern, a voice calls out to him -- JAKE (O.S.) Dad... Sisko turns to find -- 188 JAKE (FORMERLY 186) standing among the rocks. SISKO Jake? JAKE You've got to come back to the station with me. SISKO How'd you get here? JAKE It doesn't matter. If you stay here, you'll die. KASIDY (O.S.) He's right, Ben. Sisko looks around to see -- 189 KASIDY (FORMERLY 187) standing at the other side of the cavern wall. KASIDY Our baby's going to need a father. Sisko looks to Kasidy, then back to Jake. SISKO You're not real -- neither one of you... KASIDY But what we're saying is real. JAKE If you try to stop the Restoration, you'll be killed. KASIDY You can't defeat the Kosst Amojan. They're too powerful... JAKE Come home, Dad -- you don't belong here. It's not your fight. SISKO I know what you're doing... KASIDY We're trying to help you. SISKO No, you're trying to make me doubt myself... (taking a breath) I won't let you. Sisko turns his back on them and resumes his trek. JAKE Dad... please! KASIDY Ben... don't. But Sisko walks on, ignoring their pleas.
Quante volte…
Pagine che portano qui
Collegamenti esterni
- What You Leave Behind - Part I, Hypertrek
- What You Leave Behind - Part I, Memory Alpha (ricerca)
- What You Leave Behind - Part I, script dell'episodio
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