Once More Unto the Breach
Numero di produzione: | 557 |
Sequenza di trasmissione: | 157 |
Week Of della prima trasmissione USA: | 07.11.1998 |
Prima TV su (Canal) Jimmy: | 10.06.2002 |
VHS britannica dell'episodio: | 7.4 (PG) |
Storia: | Ronald D. Moore |
Regia: | Allan Kroeker |
Musica: | Dennis McCarthy |
Titolo italiano: | Un altro assalto alla breccia |
Titolo francese: | De retour au combat |
Titolo tedesco: | Bis zum bitteren Ende |
Titolo brasiliano: | Mais Uma Vez Sob Fogo |
Titolo nell'edizione italiana in DVD: | Morire da eroe |
Titolo provvisorio: | Untitled Klingon |
Data delle versioni dello script: | 08.09.1998 |
Personaggi e interpreti
Personaggi e interpreti
- Kor: John Colicos
- Gen. Martok: John Garman Hertzler
- Darok: Neil C. Vipond
- Kolana: Nancy Youngblut
- Synon: Blake Lindsley
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Treachery, Faith, and the Great River | The Siege of AR-558 |
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Once More Unto the Breach è un Episodio di Deep Space Nine.
Data Stellare Sconosciuta: Con sua grande sorpresa, Worf riceve una visita di Kor: l'anziano eroe klingon ammette che la sua ambizione gli ha portato talmente tanti nemici da non poter più comandare nemmeno un'astronave.
Worf gli promette di procurargli il comando di una nave e trasmette la richiesta a Martok, che rifiuta con rabbia: il generale spiega a Worf che anni prima Kor gli aveva negato lo status di ufficiale perché era il discendente di una Casa comune.
- Il titolo è una citazione da Henry V, III-1:
France. Before Harfleur
and soldiers with scaling-ladders
KING. Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead
Il titolo italiano non è una traduzione imperfetta, ma la traduzione canonica di questo passaggio dell'Enrico IV.
Versione italiana
- Nei sottotitoli di Canal Jimmy Darok viene scritto D'arok.
Dax: So... what's your professional opinion?
Kira: Mh! You're crazy!
Darok: If they succeed, you can drink to their courage. And, if they fail... you can still drink to their courage.
Scene tagliate
- Nel teaser, dopo l'intervento di Worf nel dialogo tra Bashir e O'Brien prima del cambio di scena, era previsto questo ulteriore dialogo dopo che Worf esce dal bar di Quark:
BASHIR Shall we talk about something else? O'BRIEN Sure. (beat) The line in the dirt? BASHIR The line in the dirt. Now, I suppose you're going to tell me "Well, there's no evidence Travis didn't draw the line." But, in fact, there's a great deal of evidence to suggest that the story was invented by...
- Quando, nell'alloggio di Worf, Kor gli chiede di aiutarlo per dargli un'occasione per dimostrarsi ancora un buon guerriero klingon, è stata tagliata questa battuta di Worf:
Worf is deeply moved by the old man's plea. He stands up and goes to him. WORF Tomorrow I will go to General Martok and find you a command. I can give you an officer's commission immediately. So as of this moment, you are a soldier of the Empire once again. Worf offers his hand and Kor takes it, grateful beyond words.
- Dopo la conversazione tra Martok e Sisko nell'ufficio di Sisko è stata tagliata la seguente scena:
8 INT. OPS Darok is waiting in Ops with several PADDs when Worf ENTERS from the turbolift, looking for Martok. DAROK The general is still with Captain Sisko. (beat) If you're going to anger him again, can it wait until after he's approved these personnel transfers? Worf shoots him a look, but then Martok ENTERS from the captain's office. MARTOK (eager) Worf! I'm glad you're here. We're about to embark on an epic journey into the very heart of danger! Darok clears his throat irritably, but Martok does his best to ignore him as he leads Worf toward the turbolift. MARTOK Come with me. I want to inspect the Ch'Tang; she may be my next flagship. Darok follows them into the lift. DAROK And what good is a flagship without a crew to man her? MARTOK You'll be the death of me, Darok! All right -- give me the transfers! The lift sinks out of sight.
- Durante il dialogo tra Worf e Kor in cui Worf comunica che Martok non intende accettare l'arruolamento di Kor nella sua flotta è stata tagliata una piccola battuta di Kor (le parti in grigio sono quelle incluse nell'episodio):
WORF General Martok will not give you a command.
KOR Kesh! (a curse). Did you tell him that I am still capable of --
WORF It has nothing to do with your capabilities. It is personal. (beat) He says that you struck his name from an officers list because his family comes from the Ketha lowlands.
- Dopo l'incursione alla base jem'hadar in cui Kor si mette in imbarazzo davanti all'equipaggio e dopo che Martok ha dato l'ordine di raggiungere lo
spazio della Federazione, è stata tagliata la seguente scena tra Quark e Jake:
38 INT. QUARK'S After hours. Quark is sitting at the bar pouring out his heart for a change. JAKE is playing bartender to him, with a towel draped over his shoulder as he tries to mix drinks for the forlorn Ferengi. QUARK I'm not a bad man, Jake. I don't hurt people. I don't steal from them. I don't even overcharge them much. In a universe filled with pain and suffering I offer people an oasis. (beat) I offer them love. But does anyone offer love to me? No. JAKE Come on. I've seen you with women. Jake pushes the drink toward him. Quark glances at it and sends it back. QUARK Too much rum, wrong garnish. Jake frowns, consults a PADD and then throws out the drink before starting over. QUARK Of course I've been with women. But none of them were Jadzia. She was perfect. She played tongo. She had a sense of humor. JAKE She was tall. QUARK (loves it) And she was tall... JAKE Well, you did have your chance. Jadzia was here for three full years before Worf showed up. QUARK I was playing a deep game. I'm not the kind of man who just rushes in and declares himself. I like the chase. But then Mister Today-is-a-good-day-to-die shows up and spoils everything. (beat) And now, it's going to happen all over again with Ezri. New body, new personality, but she'll make the same mistake. Jake pushes over another drink. QUARK Too much syrup. Can't you read? JAKE (off PADD) It says two fingers. Jake puts his fingers alongside the outside of the glass. QUARK That's not two fingers. He grabs the jar, sticks two fingers into the syrup, and shakes off the syrup into the glass. QUARK That's two fingers. JAKE (gross) Oh, God... QUARK Some bartender you'd make. Can't mix drinks and can't dispense advice. JAKE You want my advice? Okay. You think Ezri's making a mistake? Tell her. Sit her down, look her right in the eye and tell her that you think Worf is the wrong man for her. QUARK She won't listen. JAKE Then she won't listen, but at least you'll have tried. If you don't say anything and they do get involved... QUARK I'll hate myself. JAKE And enough people hate you already. Why add to the list? QUARK You know what? You're a really bad bartender. (beat) But... I think you're right. Thanks, Jake. He heads for the EXIT. JAKE No tip?
- Al posto della scena qui sopra riportata (scena 38), è stata inserita la scena tra Quark ed Ezri che si svolge nel bar di Quark. Questa scena era prevista nello script nella parte finale dell'episodio, appena prima della scena in cui nella Ch'Tang l'equipaggio brinda al sacrificio di Kor. Di seguito alla scena tagliata qui sopra riportata (scena 38) era prevista la seguente scena, non presente nell'episodio:
39 INT. KLINGON QUARTERS Worf is sitting at the tiny desk, working on the computer when the door CHIMES. WORF Enter. Kor ENTERS. He's subdued, chastened by what happened on the Bridge. For the first time, Kor suddenly looks his age. There's an awkward beat between the two men. KOR Worf... I just wanted to say... that I regret what happened on the bridge yesterday... WORF What's done is done. Let us not speak of it. Kor accepts that, but had hoped for more from Worf. KOR You're right. We should put it behind us. It was a... momentary lapse. It will not happen again. Which brings us to the reason I'm here. (beat) I would like to... resume my bridge duties. Worf feels bad for him, it troubles him to see a great man like Kor brought low. But at the same time, Worf cannot help him at this point. WORF I must think of the safety of the ship. That stings. KOR You don't believe in me, do you? You don't think I can serve as a soldier of the Empire any longer? Worf looks away. KOR If that's what you think, at least have the courage to look me in the eye and say it! Worf didn't want to do this, but Kor is forcing his hand. He steels himself and looks Kor right in the eye. WORF I do not believe you are up to the challenge. The words cut through Kor like a knife. He seems to deflate right before our eyes. After a long, wounded beat... he turns and EXITS without another word.
Pagine che portano qui
Collegamenti esterni
- Once More Unto the Breach, Hypertrek
- Once More Unto the Breach, Memory Alpha (ricerca)
- Once More Unto the Breach, script dell'episodio
- Once More Unto the Breach, script dell'episodio
- Script dell'episodio da Star Trek Minutiae
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