In the Pale Moonlight

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Menu-dsn.pngStagione 6 di Deep Space Nine
Numero di produzione: 543
Première americana: {{{EpisodiData USA}}}
Première italiana: {{{EpisodiData ITA}}}
Sequenza di trasmissione: 143
Prima TV USA: {{{EpisodiUSA}}}
Week Of della prima trasmissione USA: 11.04.1998
Prima TV su NBC: {{{EpisodiNBC}}}
Prima TV su UPN: {{{EpisodiUPN}}}
Prima TV su Italia Uno: {{{EpisodiI1}}}
Prima TV su (Canal) Jimmy: 04.03.2002
Prima TV su Amazon Prime Video: {{{EpisodiAmazon}}}
Prima TV su La 7: {{{EpisodiL7}}}
Prima trasmissione sulla RAI: {{{EpisodiRAI}}}
Prima trasmissione su Tele Venezia: {{{EpisodiTLV}}}
Prima TV su Telemontecarlo: {{{EpisodiTMC}}}
Prima TV su CBS All Access: {{{EpisodiCBSAll}}}
Prima TV su Netflix: {{{EpisodiNetflix}}}
Sequenza di trasmissione su Rete Quattro: {{{EpisodiR4}}}
Codice del The Next Generation Companion: {{{EpisodiCOD}}}
DVD europeo in cui è presente l'episodio: {{{EpisodiDVD}}}
VHS britannica dell'episodio: 6.10 (PG)
Storia: Peter Allan Fields
Sceneggiatura: Michael Taylor
Screenplay: {{{EpisodiScreenplay}}}
Regia: Victor Lobl
Musica: David Bell
Produttore: {{{EpisodiProduttore}}}
Coproduttore: {{{EpisodiCoproduttore}}}
Produttore esecutivo: {{{EpisodiProd.Exec.}}}
Produttore associato: {{{EpisodiProd.Assoc.}}}
Consulente esecutivo: {{{EpisodiCons.Exec.}}}
Costo di produzione: {{{EpisodiCosto}}}
Incassi al botteghino: {{{EpisodiIncassi}}}
Durata: {{{EpisodiDurata}}}
Titolo nella collana La pista delle stelle: {{{EpisodiPST}}}
Titolo italiano: Alla pallida luce della luna
Titolo italiano scelto da Telemontecarlo: {{{EpisodiIT (TMC)}}}
Titolo spagnolo: {{{EpisodiES}}}
Titolo francese: Sous la lune pâle
Titolo tedesco: Im fahlen Mondlicht
Titolo giapponese: {{{EpisodiJP}}}
Titolo portoghese: {{{EpisodiPT}}}
Titolo brasiliano: Sob a Pálida Luz do Luar
Titolo afrikaans (Sudafrica): {{{EpisodiZA (af)}}}
Titolo zulu (Sudafrica): {{{EpisodiZA (zu)}}}
Sonoro: {{{EpisodiSonoro}}}
Effetti speciali: {{{EpisodiSFX}}}
Rating americano: {{{EpisodiRating USA}}}
Titolo nell'edizione italiana in DVD: La coscienza di un ufficiale
Titolo provvisorio: Patriot
Titolo italiano proposto dallo STIC: {{{EpisodiSTIC}}}
Data delle versioni dello script: 26.01.1998
Data delle riprese: {{{EpisodiRIP}}}
Anno della timeline: {{{EpisodiTimeline}}}

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Inquisition His Way

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In the Pale Moonlight è un Episodio di Deep Space Nine.


Data stellare 51721.3: Stufo di leggere lunghi elenchi di compagni dispersi o deceduti, Sisko, con l'aiuto di Garak, mette in atto un piano per convincere i Romulani a dichiarare guerra al Dominio, ma ben presto la cosa va al di là dei suoi propositi iniziali.


In questo episodio...


  • Sisko legge alcune informazioni sul senatore romulano su un PADD con il numero 4778 in basso a destra sullo schermo.
  • All'inizio dell'episodio, Sisko accende il display a parete con i nomi dei caduti e preme un pulsante sul pannello di controllo. Sullo stesso pannello c'è un altro pulsante con il numero 47 a fianco.
  • All'arrivo del senatore romulano, Worf dice che sono state controllate le sezioni 52 e 62 (5 + 2 = 7 e 6 - 2 = 4).
  • All'inizio dell'episodio, Sisko non ricorda la data stellare e dice un po' incerto «Five-one-seven... four?»


  • Nello script la schermata delle vittime della guerra viene descritta in questo modo:
a long list of NAMES. They're grouped by ship or starbase and then alphabetized by last name. Each name has a brightly colored tag next to it:
 - KIA [Killed],
 - WIA [Wounded],
 - MIA [Missing].


Vreenak: So you're the commander of Deep Space Nine. And the Emissary to the Prophets. Decorated combact officer, widower, father, mentor... And oh yes, the man who started the war with the Dominion. Somehow I thought you'd be taller.

Vreenak: It's a fake!

Garak: That's why you came to me! Isn't it, Captain?! Because you knew I could do those things that you weren't capable of doing? Well, it worked. And you'll get what you want, a war between the Romulans and the Dominion. And if your conscience is bothering you, you should soothe it with the knowledge that you may just saved the entire Alpha Quadrant. And all it cost was the life of one Romulan senator, one criminal, and the self-respect of one Starfleet officer. I don't know about you, but I'd call that a bargain.

Sisko: So, I lied, I cheated, I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all... I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again... I would. Garak was
right about one thing; a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant.

Sisko: Computer. Erase the entire personal log.

Scene tagliate

  • Nel teaser, quando Sisko spiega perché i Romulani lasciano entrare nel loro spazio le navi Jem'Hadar, era previsto un intervento di Worf e Dax:
   It's an intolerable situation.
   We should cross the Neutral Zone
   and destroy the Dominion bases.

   And risk war with the Romulans?
   No, thank you. We're losing
   enough good people as it is. The
   last thing we need is a war on two
  • Dopo la fase ad effetto di Sisko che chiude il teaser «I was going to bring the Romulans into the war», era previsto un ulteriore commento:


 As before.

   I was absolutely sure it was the
   right decision -- that's the
   frightening part -- how right it
   seemed at the time. And now...
   now all I can do is learn to live
   with that decision.
   And I'll have to live with it for
   the rest of my life...

 Off the dark and brooding expression on Sisko's face...

         FADE OUT.

  • Durante il gioco delle parti in cui Dax risponde come fosse un Romulano, nell'episodio non vengono dette le seguenti battute (la parte in grigio è quella presente nell'episodio):
  You're asking me to start a war
  based on wild theories.
  They're not theories, they're facts!
  Prove it!
  That's your problem. But before
  I plunge my people into a conflict
  that'll kill millions of loyal
  Romulan citizens, I'll need...
  • Quando Sisko convoca Garak, è stata tagliata una parte di dialogo (la prima e l'ultima battuta in grigio sono quelle presenti nell'episodio):
  Your faith in my ability to
  retrieve classified information
  from my former homeland is most
  I'm happy that you're happy. Now,
  can you do it?
Garak pauses for a moment, then shifts gears.
  You know, I had assumed this
  meeting was about the
  modifications I suggested for your
  new dress uniform -- you have had
  an opportunity to look over my
  design, haven't you? The new
  piping along the collar, the
  exaggerated cut of the jacket
  hemline emphasizing the--
  Mister Garak. Let's dispense with
  the usual repartee and concentrate
  on the issue at hand. Can you do
  the job or not?
  • Nel bar di Quark, quando Sisko ha offerto la tangente per non sporgere denuncia e Quark l'ha accettata, dopo la citazione della Regola dell'Acquisizione «Every man has his price» era prevista la scena seguente:
 Sisko gets up and heads for Odo just as Garak ENTERS
 the bar from the Promenade.

    (to Odo)
   He's dropped the charges.

    (to Deputies)
   Let him go.
    (to Sisko)
   If you'll excuse me...

 Odo EXITS. The Deputies release Tolar from his
 restraints and then EXIT also. While this is going on,
 Sisko has a moment with Garak. Sisko keeps his voice
 low, but there's barely restrained fury behind his eyes.

    (quietly boiling)
   Tolar is your responsibility.
   Keep him out of sight and under
   control or the next man needing
   medical attention will be you.
   Do you understand?


 Garak approaches Tolar, who visibly shrinks back from
 Garak as the Cardassian leans over him at the table.

   Hello, Grathon.

 Sisko turns and EXITS.
  • Dopo che Tolar ha registrato il programma olografico sulla barra-dati e Sisko gli ha chiarito che è meglio per lui che il lavoro sia fatto ad opera d'arte, era prevista questa scena (la prima e l'ultima battuta in grigio sono quelle presenti nell'episodio):
  I sincerely hope so. Why don't
  you wait in your quarters. I'll
  be along shortly to... say hello.
Tolar looks at the two of them with fear for a moment,
then EXITS. 
  Felt good, didn't it?
Sisko looks at him, taken a little off-guard by the
  To put your hands on a man and
  say, "You will do this or else."
  After all the intrigue and
  deception you've had to engage in
  over the past week, you must've
  found that moment of pure brute
  force to be a... refreshing change
  of pace.
Garak smiles at him pleasantly. There may be an
element of truth in what he's saying, but what Sisko
can't believe is the way Garak keeps poking and
prodding at his psyche. Sisko begins to smile at the
absurdity of it all.
  Mister Garak... why is it that no
  one has killed you yet?
  My innate charm?
Sisko laughs and Garak smiles wider. Sisko laughs
louder -- it's a release of tension and anxiety that's
been building in him for over a week. As he laughs...
        CUT TO:
Sisko is standing behind the couch, and while there's
a smile on his face at the memory, there's a bitter,
rueful quality to his expression.
  It wasn't that funny. But I
  couldn't stop laughing.
  Maybe... I was under more pressure
  than I realized. Maybe it really
  was starting to get to me.
  • Dopo che Vreenak ha visto la registrazione e vuole controllare l'autenticità della barra dati, era prevista la seguente scena tra Dax e Sisko (l'ultima battuta in grigio è presente nell'episodio):
Sisko is pacing in his office, lost in thought when Dax

  Got a minute?
  Sure. What can I do for you?
Dax takes her time, this is a delicate subject and she
doesn't want to rush into anything.
  This may sound... crazy. But,
  think about it before you say no.
  Just say it.
  What if we... tricked the Romulans
  into believing that the Dominion
  was about to attack them?
Sisko is thunderstruck for a moment and Dax takes it
as a reaction to her crazy idea.
  Hear me out.
  We find a way to manufacture
  evidence of a planned Dominion
  attack. I'm not sure what it
  should be, uh... a series of coded
  messages from their central
  command, a Cardassian defector who
  smuggles out secret war plans --
  I don't know. Something. Then
  we show it to the Romulans and try
  to convince them that they're one
  step away from disaster.
Sisko takes a moment, decides to become his own devil's
  You want to start a war based on
  a lie?
  I want to end a war, Benjamin.
  And I want the good guys to win.
  Besides, let's face it -- the
  Dominion will attack the Romulans
  eventually, it's just a matter of
  time. So, in a way we'd be doing
  them a favor by pulling them in
  That's an easy way of
  rationalizing something you know
  is wrong.
Dax takes a beat, goes cold and hard.
  More wrong than war?
  I'll... think about it.
  That's all I ask.
She heads for the door, then stops, smiles to herself.
  I suppose it's one thing to come
  up with an idea like this... and
  another to put it into motion.
   (re: pips)
  That's why they put these on my
  collar, old man.
She smiles at him and then EXITS.
Sisko on the couch. He's got a bottle of something
dark and amber now and he pours himself a drink.
  It was good to know that the old
  man was on my side, even if she
  didn't know what was really going
  In any case, I was way past the
  point of no return. There was
  nothing to do but wait and see how
  masterful Tolar's forgery really





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Collegamenti esterni

  1. In the Pale Moonlight, script dell'episodio
  2. In the Pale Moonlight, script dell'episodio
  3. Script dell'episodio da Star Trek Minutiae

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