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Numero di produzione: | 553 |
Sequenza di trasmissione: | 153 |
Week Of della prima trasmissione USA: | 10.10.1998 |
Prima TV su (Canal) Jimmy: | 13.05.2002 |
VHS britannica dell'episodio: | 7.2 (U) |
Storia: | René Echevarria |
Regia: | Les Landau |
Musica: | Jay Chattaway |
Titolo italiano: | Immagine residua |
Titolo francese: | Reflet |
Titolo tedesco: | Nachempfindung |
Titolo brasiliano: | Recomeço |
Titolo provvisorio: | Untitled Dax |
Data delle versioni dello script: | 24.07.1998 |
Personaggi e interpreti
Personaggi e interpreti
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Shadows and Symbols | Take Me Out to the Holosuite |
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Afterimage è un Episodio di Deep Space Nine.
Data Stellare Sconosciuta: Ezri deve confrontarsi sia con i ricordi delle vite passate di Dax sia con le reazioni dei suoi nuovi compagni di Deep Space Nine.
In questo episodio...
- Ezri Dax viene promossa da Guardiamarina a Tenente J.G. e diventa il Consigliere di Deep Space Nine.
- La Destiny (D è la quarta lettera dell'alfabeto) deve raggiungere la Settima Flotta nel settore Kalandra.
Versione italiana
- Nei sottotitoli di Canal Jimmy «Deputy» è stato tradotto con «Delegato».
Scene tagliate
- Nel teaser, dopo che Ezri è stata nel tempio con Kira, la vediamo al bar di Quark, con Quark che le offre del vino di sangue. È stata tagliata la seguente scena:
7 INT. QUARK'S A quiet afternoon. FERENGI WAITERS are preparing for dinner and a few DABO GIRLS stand at the wheel gossiping. QUARK is going over some PADDS at the bar. Ezri approaches tentatively. EZRI How's my favorite Ferengi? QUARK (without looking up) That depends which Ferengi you're talking about. EZRI I'm talking about you, Quark. Who else would I be talking about? Quark looks up and sees the young Trill officer standing in front of him, quickly realizes it must be the new Dax he's heard about. QUARK Dax. EZRI (smiling) Hi. Liking what he sees, Quark decides to be a little more charming. QUARK I was wondering when you were going to drop by. They stand there, smiling and nodding like two people at a high school reunion, not sure what to say each other. Finally: QUARK I can't believe it's really you. EZRI Me, neither. (off Quark's confused expression) I mean... of course I can believe I'm really "me" as in Ezri. It's just I haven't gotten used to the idea of "me" as in Dax. Quark tries not to let her confusion derail him. QUARK Well, whoever you are, let me buy you a drink. He pours her a TANKARD of bloodwine. She picks it up, takes a sniff.
- Sempre nel teaser, quando Quark fa notare a Ezri che Worf era entrato nel locale è stata tolta una battuta di Quark prevista nello script. Nell'episodio è stata vista soltanto la prima delle seguenti due battute.
QUARK I bet you two have a lot to talk about. This is the first time Ezri's seen Worf since Jadzia died. She smiles tentatively, but as soon as Worf sees her, he stiffens, turns away, and EXITS. QUARK Maybe not... Off Ezri's face as she tries to make sense of Worf's reaction...
- Dopo la scena in cui Worf aggredisce Bashir e minaccia Quark in infermeria, era prevista la seguente scena:
34A INT. QUARK'S Quark is behind the bar talking with one of the FERENGI WAITERS when he sees Ezri ENTER. QUARK Uh-oh. (to waiter) Keep an eye out for Worf. The Waiter nods and moves off. EZRI Hi, Quark. Can I have a cup of coffee? QUARK (trying to get rid of her) Why would you want to pay me for coffee when you can get it for free at the Replimat? Quark catches sight of a figure in his peripheral vision, turns to see a KLINGON standing at the window to the Promenade. QUARK (thinking it's Worf) Ah. (realizing it's not) Oh. Ezri's too busy to ask what his problem is. EZRI Can I have a cup of coffee, please? I want to get back up to Garak. QUARK He's gone. He left about an hour ago. EZRI (surprised and concerned) Where'd he go? QUARK I don't know. (shooing her off) Well, don't just stand there. Go find him. Off Quark's relief as she moves off...
- L'episodio si conclude con Worf che alza il suo bicchiere in saluto ad Ezri che gli sorride. Nello script era prevista la seguente scena conclusiva, che riprende un po' la scena iniziale dell'episodio:
The moment between them [Re: Worf e Ezri] is broken when Sisko swoops down on Ezri and takes her by the arm. SISKO [Re: Ezri] I need you to explain something to someone. 50 WORF as he watches her move off with Sisko, then heads for the door. 51 EZRI trying to explain things to Morn, as Sisko and a few of the others look on. EZRI Morn, it's me. Dax. Morn shakes his head -- he's not buying it. Sisko and the others break into smiles, and we start to PULL BACK from the group. Off the image of Ezri surrounded by the people Jadzia loved, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END
- Secondo quanto riportato nello script, i dialoghi di cui si vede solo il labiale di Odo quando trova Garak nel suo negozio in preda ad un attacco di claustrofobia, sono i seguenti:
We see Odo's mouth move, but we can't hear anything except the SOUND of Garak's breathing. ODO (mouth silently moving) Starfleet intercepted another Cardassian military transmission. Garak stares at him -- we hear the SOUND of his BREATHING, the quickening of his HEARTBEAT. ODO (mouth silently moving) Are you all right?
Zone dello spazio
Pagine che portano qui
Collegamenti esterni
- Afterimage, Memory Alpha (ricerca)
- Afterimage, script dell'episodio
- Afterimage, script dell'episodio
- Script dell'episodio da Star Trek Minutiae
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