Giorno della Frontiera

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In originale:Frontier day
In inglese:Frontier day
Affiliazione:Flotta Stellare
Banner per il 250° anniversario del Giorno della FrontieraP37
Banner per il 250° anniversario del Giorno della Frontiera

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Anniversario che celebra il primo volo della Enterprise NX-01, la prima nave terrestre a curvatura 5.

Il Giorno della Frontiera ricorre il 16 aprile.



Shelby: Happy Frontier Day. 250 years ago today, the Enterprise NX-01, the first warp five-capable vessel to be constructed by human hands, made its maiden voyage. With it, a crew of 83 souls embarked on a journey... One of bravery, perseverance and sacrifice that would lead to the birth of what we know today as Starfleet. A quarter millennium after the NX-01 took that first vital step, we gather on Frontier Day to take another as we demonstrate our newest advancement, Fleet Formation.[1]


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