For the Uniform: differenze tra le versioni
m (Sostituzione testo - "\[https:\/\/\\/resources\/scripts\/(.*).txt ''\{\{PAGENAME\}\}''\], script dell'episodio" con "{{STMScript}}") |
Riga 221: | Riga 221: | ||
* [ ''For the Uniform''], Hypertrek | * [ ''For the Uniform''], Hypertrek | ||
* [ ''For the Uniform''], Memory Alpha (ricerca) | * [ ''For the Uniform''], Memory Alpha (ricerca) | ||
* | * {{STMScript}} | ||
== Informazioni sulla migrazione automatica == | == Informazioni sulla migrazione automatica == |
Versione attuale delle 22:22, 2 mar 2025
Numero di produzione: | 511 |
Sequenza di trasmissione: | 111 |
Week Of della prima trasmissione USA: | 16.02.1997 |
Prima TV su (Canal) Jimmy: | 24.07.2001 |
VHS britannica dell'episodio: | 5.7 (PG) |
Storia: | Peter Allan Fields |
Regia: | Victor Lobl |
Musica: | Dennis McCarthy |
Titolo italiano: | Per l'uniforme |
Titolo francese: | Pour l'uniforme |
Titolo tedesco: | Für die Uniform |
Titolo giapponese: | Eddington no Gyakushu (Eddington's Counterattack) |
Titolo brasiliano: | Pelo Uniforme |
Data delle versioni dello script: | 08.11.1996 |
Personaggi e interpreti
Personaggi e interpreti
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The Begotten | In Purgatory's Shadow |
Modifica i dati nella pagina della entità su DataTrek
For the Uniform è un Episodio di Deep Space Nine.
Data stellare 50485.2: Sisko rischia il tutto per tutto per catturare Michael Eddington, un ex membro dell'equipaggio federale di Deep Space Nine che si è unito ai Maquis.
Versione italiana
- Quando la Defiant lascia Deep Space Nine, nei sottotitoli si legge la frase di O'Brien «Pronti ad aumentare il tasso di iniezione del Teuterio». Ovviamente si intendeva deuterio.
Odo: Sir, have you ever reminded Starfleet Command that they stationed Eddington here because they didn't trust me?
Sisko: No.
Odo: Please do!
Dax: Benjamin, I am curious. Your plan to poison the Maquis planets, you didn't clear it with Starfleet first, did you?
Sisko: I knew I'd forgotten something!
Scene tagliate
- Rispetto alla sceneggiatura originale, è stata tagliata una scena in cui Quark porta il pranzo a O'Brien e Bashir sulla Defiant attraccata a Deep Space Nine mentre sono in corso le riparazioni.
16 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM O'Brien and a full engineering CREW are working on the Defiant, trying to bring her back on-line. Consoles are open, optical cable and portable equipment are strewn everywhere. The room is a mess. QUARK ENTERS with two waiters carrying a large ice chest-like container. QUARK Lunchtime! For once, everyone's glad to see Quark. The repair crew put down their tools and line up to get sandwiches and drinks out of the container. QUARK Okay, who's doing the honors? O'BRIEN I'll take it. QUARK Just put your thumb print right there. But before he does, O'Brien looks over the bill carefully. QUARK What? You don't trust me? O'BRIEN Starfleet accounting has been all over me for these bills of yours. Apparently, two weeks ago I ordered six cases of champagne for the night shift. QUARK Can I help it that you care about your crew? O'Brien sees something on the bill that isn't right. O'BRIEN Quark -- But before O'Brien can say anything else, Quark takes back the PADD. QUARK All right -- if you're going to get picky... Quark starts reworking the PADD. BASHIR ENTERS, joining the food line behind O'Brien. O'BRIEN How's it going, Julian? BASHIR (sarcastic) Wonderful. I've reloaded two percent of the medical database into the computer... at this rate, working round the clock, I should be done, oh, a year from Thursday. O'BRIEN I still can't believe how much damage Eddington managed to do. BASHIR I never trusted him, you know. O'BRIEN Oh, come off it -- BASHIR No, I'm serious. Right from the beginning, there was something... slightly "off" about him. O'BRIEN What are you talking about? You were always inviting him to play darts with us. BASHIR I was just trying to be polite. I never really liked him. Besides, you're the one that had him over for dinner to your home -- with your wife and child. They get their food and pick a spot to sit and eat. O'BRIEN (defensive) It was a dinner party -- there were twelve other people there. I didn't like Eddington -- I invited him because I thought he was your friend. BASHIR That's ridiculous. He was never my friend. Okay, he played a great game of darts... and he knew how to tell a good story. O'BRIEN (smiling) Remember the one about the four- legged Talorian... ? BASHIR And the Orion slave girl? They both grin at the memory as they open their sandwich containers. But before they eat, there's a long quiet moment. BASHIR You know what, Miles? I guess I did like him... O'BRIEN Me, too. And on that sad note, they take bites from their food.
- Nella versione dello script pubblicata nel DSN Companion vengono erroneamente riportati tra i personaggi Garak, Gul Dukat e Ziyal e non vengono riportati Michael Eddington, Sanders e Nog.
Pagine che portano qui
Collegamenti esterni
- For the Uniform, Hypertrek
- For the Uniform, Memory Alpha (ricerca)
- For the Uniform, script dell'episodio
- For the Uniform, script dell'episodio
- Script dell'episodio da Star Trek Minutiae
Informazioni sulla migrazione automatica
Pagina originariamente generata nell'istante con informazioni dal database di HyperTrek aggiornato nell'istante